Friday, January 22, 2010

have a NORMAL day...

I love a fantastic day. You know, the kind where nothing can wrong? The kind where you wonder what you did right to have the stars align so perfectly to create such a great day. Yeah, I love those days. Its hard NOT to smile on days like that. I look forward to those kind of days, but I'm realizing life isn't defined by the great days. Its defined by the "normal" ones, the routine, and the mundane. Sure its easy to show up and be happy when things work out according to your expectations and when good fortune seems to flow your way. But that just isn't life. Now, don't think I'm saying life should be dull, mundane, and "normal" because if you know me at all you know I don't subscribe to the "dull" or "mundane" mentality. Life is too short to be boring. But I think there is a lot we can learn about ourselves as we glance introspectively and look at how we respond to a generic day. This isn't a post about choosing to be happy where ever you are (although I whole-heartedly agree with that philosophy). This is a post about realizing life isn't about the extremes, the great days or the horrible ones. It is a post about setting realistic expectations (while still dreaming big). It's about realizing that most often people are just people. Life is just life. School is just school and days are just days. I've realized lately an interesting fact about myself...I love living in extremes (which could describe why I am a slightly dramatic person and excellent story teller). But I'm starting to realize the wisdom in balance. The purpose of steadiness and the need for "normal."

So everyone, I hope you have a "normal" day.


meg said...

Amen, sister! I'm glad you're starting to see the light.

Alisa and Crowells said...

You said it. I'm actually really hoping for a "normal" day. Elsie brings fun surprises every day. :) So, I should count that as a great "normal."

miffy said...

I love your posts! You are such a good writer.